Juliette Armand – Ameson – MesoPeel

Juliette Armand - Ameson
Juliette Armand - Ameson - MesoTech
Juliette Armand - Ameson - MesoPeel

Ameson Range


AMESON MESOPEEL is a professional chemical peeling system based on organic acids, aimed at rejuvenating the skin and making it glowing, bright and soft.

Organic Acids

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are organic molecules, whose action depends on their chemical structure, concentration and pH. The AHAs used in the AMESON MESOPEEL series include mandelic acid, lactic acid and glycolic acid.

Laboratory and clinical studies have identifi¬ed and proven the results of their action on the horny layer and dermis.

In particular, AHAs:

  • Normalise the keratinisation process, thus restoring the epidermis normal rhythms.
  • Activate the skin’s rejuvenation process, increasing collagen and elastin production.
  • Hydrate the skin.
  • In synergy, enhance the action of other active components.

Ameson Range


Chemical peel protocols are either autonomous or integrated in various professional skin care protocols. Products and protocols are accompanied by clear indications, instructions for use, side effects, maximum application time and repeatability, recommended recuperation products and, of course, highly specialised sunscreen protection.

The series includes:

  • 2 PRO PEEL & POST PEEL products to adjust the skin’s pH.
  • 2 CALMING & REPAIR products or better recuperation after a chemical peel.


            Glycolic Acid 50%
1          Glycolic Acid 70%
1          Lactic Acid 50%
1          Lactic Acid 80%
1          Mandelic Acid 40%