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Salicylic acid for chemical exfoliation, suitable for acne-oily skin.
Glycolic acid in 70% concentration for immediate and powerful chemical exfoliation, suitable for all skin types.
Mandelic acid in 40% concentration for mild chemical exfoliation, suitable for all skin types and sensitive skin.
An injectable implant (filler) of non cross-linked hyaluronic acid (12.8 mg/ml) of non-animal origin.
An injectable implant (filler) of cross-linked hyaluronic acid (12.0 mg/ml) of non-animal origin.
An injectable implant (filler) of cross-linked hyaluronic acid (18.0 mg/ml) of non-animal origin.
An injectable implant (filler) of cross-linked hyaluronic acid (27.0 mg/ml) of non-animal origin.